Work Order Status and Sub Status

The Complete/Close window typically includes a section to update the status and progress of the work order. The information displayed varies depending on the business process in use at your organization and the current state of the work order. In addition to the Status fields, a Sub Status field may also be shown.

The status changes available are based on the business process at your organization and the permissions granted to your access group. If your organization does not utilize a Finalized status, for example, that option would not be displayed. Similarly, if you are not a member of a group with permission to close a work order, that option would not be displayed. Whether or not previously entered states can be edited is also based on business practice.

In general, the available states can be described as follows:

  • Requested: Indicates when the work order was requested.

  • Issued: Indicates when the work order was issued. If the work order has not yet been issued, the current date displays for this status.

  • Responded: If an individual has already responded to the work order, the button will indicate Responded and show the previously entered date and initials. Otherwise, your initials and the current date may be populated into this section by default, allowing you to quickly record your progress with the work order.

  • Completed: If an individual has already completed the work order, the button will indicate Completed and show the previously entered date and initials. Otherwise, your initials and the current date may be populated into this section by default, allowing you to quickly complete the work order.

  • Finalized: If an individual has already finalized the work order, the button will indicate Finalized and show the previously entered date and initials. Otherwise, your initials and the current date may be populated into this section by default, allowing you to quickly finalize the work order. The Finalized state, which is not used by all organizations, typically indicates that the work order has been reviewed as required.

  • Closed: The current date may be populated into the close section by default, allowing you to quickly close the work order.

Whether or not these states are checked by default is configured by your organization. If not set to show by default, you must click the appropriate button.

The status options must be completed in the order displayed. That is, you cannot close out a work order without it also being completed and finalized. If you designate a status change option lower in the list, all options above that status change will be automatically enabled. Similarly, if you remove a designation that is higher on the list, all subsequent status changes will be removed.

ClosedUpdate Work Order Status

  1. If the desired state is not already set, click the appropriate button.

    The current date and time will be populated and shown. These fields can be modified if necessary.

  2. If a state change is indicated beyond what is appropriate for the progress that has been made, remove the check by clicking the appropriate button.

    The state change is removed and the date and time indicators disappear.

    If a user has started the timer on this work order in MC Express, you will be prevented from completing, finalizing, or closing the work order. The displayed warning provides the name of the user with a Started Timer so that proper follow-up can occur.

  3. If the work order has not yet been marked as complete, the Percent Complete slider can be updated to indicate progress with the work order.

    Work orders that are in a CompleteFinalized, or Closed state are automatically set to 100%. This cannot be changed when work orders are in one of these states.

ClosedModify Work Order Sub Status

To modify the sub status of the work order, click the Sub Status field and select the desired sub status.